ClarkVision Featured Photograph
Nature's Best 2004 International Photography Contest
Highly Honored Winner

image c01.14.2003.img_5113.egret-flight.f-600.jpg is Copyrighted by Roger N. Clark,

Image ID: c01.14.2003.img_5113.egret-flight.f-600.jpg
TITLE=Great Egret in Flight 1

This egret was just taking off from its nest. Venice Rookery, Florida. See the image detail below.

Technical: Canon D60 camera, 500 mm f/4 IS lens at f/4, 1/1500 sec at ISO 200, -0.5 stop. This is 800 mm equivalent focal length on 35mm. The image is a vertical crop from a horizontal image.

Nature's Best Contest Winner. The 2004 International Nature's Best Photography Awards competition included over 15,000 entries from 26 countries. Out of those photographs, only 142 were selected and are featured in a special collector's edition (Fall 2004) of Nature's Best Photography magazine. The above great egret photograph is seen as a full-page image on page 21, in the "Highly Honored" section of the Wildlife category. Nature's Best can be located online at

Image ID: c01.14.2003.img_5113.egret-flight.f-crop1.jpg

This closeup of the bird's face shows the quality of the image. A bird accelerating at takeoff is very difficult to capture because of errors in camera autofocus systems. The rapid acceleration is difficult for the camera to track. A fast shutter speed is required to freeze the action, so the lens must be wide open. The wide open lens is then more subject to focusing errors. Then one needs luck for all the technology to come together at a moment when the bird appears elegant.

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They may not be used except by written permission from Roger N. Clark.
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Price. This image is available as a 16 x 18.3 inch Fuji Crystal Archive photographic print. The image is digitally written onto the photo paper using a laser at 305 pixels per inch on a Lightjet 5000 printer. Cost is $385.00 including shipping in the continental U. S. The print will be mailed rolled in a tube, unframed and unmatted. Contact Roger Clark at the above email address for ordering this print, or for prices for other locations, or additional questions.

Last updated July 2, 2005